The group of products AniLact Family constituting a complementary liquid feed. Our supplements do not contain active substances, so no registration is required, as well as there are no risks associated with these substances.

from Passion to Success,

years of experience of a veterinarian, work with passion and love for animals constitute the genesis of AniLact Family.

Products designed to improve the living comfort of animals and the breeding results of producers

The AniLact product family (AviLact with derivatives) is a unique series of liquid products supplementing the fodder diet. It is a combination of natural ingredients containing phytoncides with lactic acid bacteria based on a unique biochemical technology. They support the immune system of animals, enhancing its activity against bacterial infections. They build up the microbiome .

A microbiome, also known as microbiota or microflora, is a group of microorganisms that represent a given natural habitat. They include all kinds of bacteria, fungi, viruses and archaea. They are found almost everywhere - on the skin, in the mouth, in the reproductive system. However, the gastrointestinal tract is the largest and most colonized system. Bacteria belonging to five types predominate in the intestinal microflora.

By using AviLact for broiler fattening (OvoLact for laying hens), we keep the intestines in the regime, multiply and control our own bacteria. We become the architects of the microbion. We stabilize coccidiosis and colibacteriosis. As a result, the digestive system and the kidneys work with full efficiency. The intestines are not destroyed. The epithelium of the digestive tract is strengthened, good condition gives a great opportunity to absorb the nutrients contained in the feed. Better digestibility means better use of it, while reducing its consumption. Significant improvement in FCR results. Finally, a shorter fattening period for broilers, higher weight than in antibiotic fattening, lower FCR. Better broiler quality, lower costs of veterinary service. The same effects and results are obtained for porkers, horse breeding, and laying hens. We observe fantastic reactions among pigeon breeders using our NaviLact. And all this without antibiotics.The same effects and results are obtained for pig fat, horse breeding, and laying hens. We observe fantastic reactions among pigeon breeders using our NaviLact.


Probiotic diet supplement, absolutely broiler dedicated.

Is a unique combinatioCOL-2-ASYM(1)-TXTn of a probiotic (Lactobacillus bacteria - lactic acid bacteria and biologically active substances selected from plants, with a biocidal effect and supporting living organisms - obtained, among others, as a result of the unique extract processes. AviLact becomes the architects of the microbion. We stabilize coccidiosis and colibacteriosis. As a result, the digestive system and the kidneys work with full efficiency.

Absorption of nutrients has a significant effect on the condition of the skeletal system, which is particularly important in birds that have already reached meatiness. And in the case of broilers, the condition of bones and joints is important for birds weighing more than 2 kg.

The intestines are not destroyed. The epithelium of the digestive tract is strengthened, good condition gives a great opportunity to absorb the nutrients contained in the feed. Better digestibility means better use of it, while reducing its consumption. Significant improvement in FCR results. Finally, a shorter fattening period for broilers, higher weight than in antibiotic fattening, lower FCR. Better broiler quality, lower costs of veterinary service.

And all this without antibiotics.


  • Health condition
  • Less medicines costs and additional vitamins supplements
  • Antibiotic free, less vet costs and antibiotic therapy
  • Financial perspective, shorter breeding time with good FCR score
  • Antibiotic Free product

Packing: 500 l, 1000 l

INGREDIENTS: lactic acid bacteria, plant extracts, multivit complex (C,B,E,A,K), mineral complex (Ca, Mg, Fe, K, Se, Zn, Cu).

DIRECTIONS: 0-7 day 2% of the water you drink, 8-14 day 0.3 % (3 liters of the preparation 7 liters of water / 1000L)

15-18 day 0.5% (5 liters of preparation / 5 liters of water / 1000L),19-24 day (depending on the pressure of coccidiosis on the farm from 0.5% to 1%).

Additionally, from the 21st day, introduction of the acidifier into the dosage 25-42 day 0.3 to 0.5% 1000 liters of water.

STORAGE: Store in cool (0ºC up to 20 0ºC), dry conditions, protected from direct sunlight.


Liquid feed additive for laying hens used from the first day used from the first day of breeding with the simultaneous elimination of antibiotic treatments. Dedicated to breeding and conservation herds and, above all, to the commercial laying hen. The colonized surface of the intestine OvoLact, which is also a probiotic, improves the functioning of the intestines themselves, influencing the immune condition of the bird and increases the digestibility of feed and its use, thus effectively reducing FCR. The improvement of the condition is clearly visible after the state of the plumage and the litter - clearly dry. In addition to the reduced FCR, the laying cycle stabilizes. The egg percentage stabilizes and no negative quantitative readings are observed.

Stabilization of the laying cycle, significant reduction of FRC, reduction of veterinary costs due to the exclusion of antibiotic treatments.


  • Antibiotic Free Egg production 
    • resulting in a more attractive and higher priced product which equals greater profit for producer
  • FCR improved
  • Increased egg laying,
    • Egg lying % improved and inreased
  • Veterinary costs reduced -no antibiotics costs plus no vet servis connected antibiotics service
  • Vitamins, minerals and feed additives, greater utilisation resulting in lower costs
  • Full access to government grants programs to promote Antibiotic Free production

INGREDIENTS: lactic acid bacteria, plant extracts, multivit complex (C,B,E,A,K), mineral complex (Ca, Mg, Fe, K, Se, Zn, Cu).

DIRECTIONS: 0-7 day 2% of the water you drink, 8-14 day 0.3 % (3 liters of the preparation 7 liters of water / 1000L)15-18 day 0.5% (5 liters of preparation / 5 liters of water / 1000L),19-24 day (depending on the pressure of coccidiosis on the farm from 0.5% to 1%). Additionally, from the 21st day, introduction of the acidifier into the dosage 25-42 day 0.3 to 0.5% 1000 liters of water.
STORAGE: Store in cool (0ºC up to 20 0ºC), dry conditions, protected from direct sunlight.


Best for ornamental birds, especially homing pigeons. Liquid feed additive for racing pigeons used from the first day of rearing without restrictions due to the period of development of the pigeon with the simultaneous elimination of antibiotic treatments.

Positively colonized intestinal surface thanks to NaviLact, which is also a probiotic, improves the work of the intestines, affecting the immune status of the bird and increases feed digestibility and its utilization. The increase in feed assimilation along with the increase in immunity rewards with a visible improvement in condition, improvement in plumage. In the case of racing pigeons, it ends with an increased energy reserve as a result of improved feed assimilation and a lower load of food mass in the system, which together with greater energy reserves and lower weight of the bird increases the cruising performance of the pigeon.

The improvement in the condition is clearly visible in the condition of the plumage, and the increased energy deposit due to the improvement of the condition of the intestines and thus better assimilation of the feed gives better flight results. Racing results.
Increases pigeon cruising performance:

  • improvement of condition
  • better digestion
  • more energy

INGREDIENTS: lactic acid bacteria, plant extracts, multivit complex (C,B,E,A,K), mineral complex (Ca, Mg, Fe, K, Se, Zn, Cu).

DIRECTIONS: 0-7 day 2% of the water you drink, 8-14 day 0.3 % (3 liters of the preparation 7 liters of water / 1000L)15-18 day 0.5% (5 liters of preparation / 5 liters of water / 1000L),19-24 day (depending on the pressure of coccidiosis on the farm from 0.5% to 1%). Additionally, from the 21st day, introduction of the acidifier into the dosage 25-42 day 0.3 to 0.5% 1000 liters of water.

STORAGE: Store in cool (0ºC up to 20 0ºC), dry conditions, protected from direct sunlight.


Support for foals, especially in the first weeks after foaling and for the first year. During this period, foals are particularly exposed to battery infections, which, thanks to EquiLact, we keep in the regime, populating the foal's organism with "good bacteria", leaving no room for the uncontrolled development of bacterial infections. Improving the efficiency of the digestive system additionally strengthens the body. Mother's milk and the first doses of feed are used to the maximum extent and the ingredients contained in EqiuLact supplement the diet. The actin foal's organism is supported in obtaining optimal immunity and dynamics of the organism's development.

INGREDIENTS: lactic acid bacteria, plant extracts, multivit complex (C,B,E,A,K), mineral complex (Ca, Mg, Fe, K, Se, Zn, Cu).

DIRECTIONS: 50 to 150 ml per day, for colts 30 to 50 ml 3 times a day

STORAGE: Store in cool (0ºC up to 20 0ºC), dry conditions, protected from direct sunlight.


The product is dedicated to piglets, both organically fed in a supplementary form and suckers. Preventive and prophylactic dosage It stabilizes the intestinal function while enhancing immunity by activating the microbion. In addition to the supplementation values, SuiLact has a significant impact on the improvement of digestion and feed absorption, which is clearly indicated by the growth of fattening pigs.


INGREDIENTS: lactic acid bacteria, plant extracts, multivit complex (C,B,E,A,K), mineral complex (Ca, Mg, Fe, K, Se, Zn, Cu).

DIRECTIONS: from 3 to 8 liters per 1000 kg of feed

STORAGE: Store in cool (0ºC up to 20 0ºC), dry conditions, protected from direct sunlight.

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