Amitraz 500 mg / strip

Preparation for combating varroosis in bees


500 mg, bee-hive strap for honey bee

The content of the active substance and other substances

1 strip includes:

The active substance:

Amitraz 500 mg

Therapeutic indications

Fighting varroosis in bees.



Side effects

About the occurrence of side effects after administration of this product or the observation of any disturbing symptoms not listed in this leaflet (including symptoms in humans as a result of contact with the drug), notify the competent veterinarian, MAH or Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products.
The application form should be downloaded from the website (Pion Medicinal Veterinary Products).

Dosage for each species, route and method of administration

The product is intended to be hung in a hive in a dose of: 2 strips / 1 hive.

Recommendations for correct administration

Place the strips in the inter-frame streets with the greatest bee mobility.
Hang the strips in such a way that the bees have free access to both sides, which is achieved by keeping the appropriate space between the frames. Leave the strips in the hive for 6 weeks and then remove them. If the movement inside the hive takes place away from the stripes, change the place of their suspension so that they are in the bee swarm and leave them for another 2 weeks before removing them. The maximum period after which the strips should be removed is 8 weeks. Straps should not be reused. It is recommended to treat all hives simultaneously.
Recommended treatment period: after the last honey harvest (end of summer / autumn) and in the spring before the first commercial fruit.
Follow the recommended treatment periods and doses.

Grace period

Honey – zero days.
It should not be used during the production of consumer honey.

Special precautions for storage
Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
Store below 25 ° C in the original, closed packaging.
Shelf life after first opening the immediate packaging: use immediately.
Do not use this veterinary medicinal product after the expiry date stated on the label.

Special warnings

Special warnings for each target species:
Treat all families in the apiary at the same time.

Special precautions to be taken by the person administering the veterinary medicinal product to animals:
Use protective gloves to handle the straps.
Do not eat, drink or smoke during application.
When using, do not allow contact with skin and eyes.
After the procedure, wash your hands with warm water and soap.
Do not allow the product to come into contact with food.

Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction:
Amitraz toxicity increases in the presence of copper salts and efficacy decreases in the presence of piperonyl butoxide. Concomitant use of these substances with amitraz should be avoided.
Overdose (symptoms, emergency procedures, antidotes):
When using doses 5 times higher than recommended for 6 weeks, no side effects were observed.

Pharmaceutical Incompatibilities:


Special precautions for the disposal of unused veterinary medicinal products or waste materials

Any unused veterinary medicinal product or its waste should be disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations.
Amitraz is toxic to fish, care should be taken to prevent the product from entering water bodies or water courses.

Period of validity

Shelf life for a veterinary medicinal product as packaged for sale – 18 months.
Shelf life after first opening the immediate packaging: use immediately.

Type and composition of immediate packaging

Cardboard box with 10 strips sealed in a PET / Aluminum / PE sachet.

Other informations

For animals only
To be supplied on a prescription – Rp.
To be administered under the supervision of a veterinarian

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