Medicinal product for the control of Varroa caused by Varroa destructor…


Solution for use in the hive
The content of the active substance and other substances

1 ml contains:
Active substance: oxalic acid dihydrate 62.0 mg (corresponding to 44.2 mg of oxalic acid).
Excipients: glycerol, purified water.

Pharmaceutical form

Solution for use in the hive. Clear, colorless to pale yellow solution.

Therapeutic indications

Treatment of Varroa caused by Varroa destructor in honeybees (Apis mellifera).



Side effects

The treatment may slightly disturb the peace of the bee colony; the bees can be agitated. Increased mortality of adult bees may occur after the use of the product. If you notice any side effects, also those not mentioned in the package leaflet, or if you suspect that the product does not work, inform your veterinarian. You can also report side effects through the national reporting system (www.urpl.gov.pl).

Target animal species

Honey bees (Apis mellifera).

Dosage for each species, route and method of administration

In the hive. The product should be used as follows: Dosage and pour-on method:
Before opening the immediate packaging, put on a suitable protective mask, gloves and glasses. Treatment consists of a single administration of the product. The required dose is 5 ml for each interframe street (space between the top laths of the frames). The product should be administered with a syringe along each alley. The maximum dose is 50 ml per ul. Use up to twice a year (in winter and / or spring / summer).

Recommendations for correct administration

Integrated Varroa Control Program: Effectiveness may vary between colonies due to the application conditions (brood presence, temperature, re-infestation, etc.). Treatment with the product should be used as one of the varroa control measures in the integrated varroa control program and mite infestation should be monitored regularly. Do not use simultaneously with other acaricides.

Grace period

Honey: Zero days. Do not use in colonies with honey reserves, or during the honey harvest.
Special precautions for storage
Keep out of the sight and reach of children. Do not refrigerate or freeze. Store in the original package. Keep the original package tightly closed in order to protect from light and moisture. Keep away from food. Do not use this veterinary medicinal product after the expiry date which is stated on the label after EXP. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

Special warnings
Special warnings for each target species:

The effectiveness of the product is significantly reduced in the presence of brood. Use of the product should be restricted to colonies with little or no brood. Therefore, treatment is best done in winter or when queens are isolated. In the case of summer treatment in families with isolated mothers, the greatest efficacy is achieved when the isolation period lasts at least 25 days and there is no brood left in the colonies. Sufficient effectiveness can be obtained in the case of a small to medium infestation with Varroa destructor. Heavily infested colonies can die from Varroa destructor mite infestations, despite proper use of the product. It is recommended to use the product as part of an integrated varroa control program and to regularly monitor mite infestation.

Special precautions for use in animals:

Do not exceed the recommended dose. Repeating the treatment may strongly stimulate the colony. All families in the same apiary should be treated simultaneously to avoid reinfestation. The hives should not be disturbed for a few days after treatment. During treatment, care should be taken to ensure that product residues do not settle on the frames that will still be used for honey production in that season.
Special precautions for the disposal of unused veterinary medicinal products or waste materials:
Any unused veterinary medicinal product or its waste should be disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations. Api-Bioxal should not enter water courses as this may be dangerous for fish and other aquatic organisms.

Other informations:

500 ml bottle, 5 l container, 5 l bag-in-box.
Not all pack sizes may be marketed.
For information about this veterinary medicinal product, please contact the local representative of the Marketing Authorization Holder:

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